从边陲小镇到国际都市,深圳是中国特色社会主义在一张白纸上的精彩演绎。四十年来,深圳创造了世界发展史上的一个奇迹。深圳特区的发展史也是一部深港合作史。香港在资金、人才、技术等多方面给予深圳持续不断的支持帮助。从早期的“前店后厂”到如今的“双城经济”,深港合作取得突破性的进展。The history of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone is also a history of cooperation between Shenzhen and Hong Kong. Hong Kong has provided continuous support and assistance to Shenzhen in terms of capital, personnel, and technology. From the early stage of "front store and back factory" to today's "twin city economy", breakthrough progress has been made here.据北京大学汇丰商学院智库,2021年一季度深港经济体量合计1962亿美元,超过全球经济体量排行榜中位居第18位的瑞士。世界知识产权组织发布的《2020全球创新指数报告》显示,深圳-香港-广州城市群蝉联全球创新集群第二名。According to the PHBS Think Tank, in the first quarter of2021, the total economic volume of Shenzhen and Hong Kong was $196.2 billion, surpassing Switzerland, which ranked18th in the world in terms of economic size. According to the2020 Global Innovation Index report published by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Guangzhou city cluster retained its second place in the global innovation clusters.前海合作区:8倍面积动力加满随着今年9月《全面深化前海深港现代服务业合作区改革开放方案》的发布,深圳前海迈向新的历史起点。从14.92平方公里,到120.56平方公里,面积扩大8倍。With the release of“Plan for Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Opening up of Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone” in September this year, Shenzhen Qianhai has stepped into a new historical starting point.From14.92 square kilometers to120.56 square kilometers, the area has expanded eight-fold.前海深港现代服务业合作区效果图前海将以现代服务业和科技产业为重点,进一步强化“依托香港、服务内地、面向世界”的战略定位和使命,定下于2035年营造世界一流营商环境的目标。Qianhai will further strengthen its strategic positioning and mission of "relying on Hong Kong, serving the mainland, and facing the world", focus on modern service and technology industries, and envision creating a world-class business environment by 2035.前海国际事务研究院院长郑永年表示,前海扩区绝不只是简单地理空间的拓展,实际是制度红利的延伸。“我们要充分利用好此次机遇,促进香港与内地的合作迈向更深层次、更广领域,共同推动发展。”Zheng Yongnian, president of Qianhai Institute of International Affairs, said that Qianhai's expansion is not just a simple expansion of geographical space, but actually an extension of institutional dividend.“We need to take full advantage of this opportunity to promote cooperation between Hong Kong and themainland to a deeper and broader level with jointly development.”一年来,前海新推出85项制度创新成果,在贸易自由化、投资便利化、金融开放等方面累计推出制度创新成果645项,其中在全国复制推广65项,成为与香港关联度最高、合作最紧密区域之一。深港青年梦工场创业梦想由此启航越来越多的港澳青年来到前海,用脚步做出了选择。前海深港青年梦工场服务深港及世界青年创新创业,帮助广大青年实现创业梦想的国际化服务平台。截至今年9月,前海深港青年梦工场累计孵化已累计孵化创业团队545家,其中香港团队264家。前海深港青年梦工厂效果图不仅于此,“龙腾中华”“寻根之旅”等一批品牌活动,让越来越多的港澳青年产生了情感纽带,跨入大湾区更广阔的天地中。全国港澳研究会理事黄梓谦希望香港年轻人把握好前海的发展机会,敢闯敢试,发展创新产业,“以一种破冰的精神去开拓自己的事业,也通过开拓自己的事业帮助国家创造更好的前景、更好的未来。”Gary Wong Chi-him, board member of Chinese Association of Hong Kong and Macao Studies, hopes that young people in Hong Kong will seize the development opportunities of Qianhai, dare to venture and develop innovative industries.“Youngsters should develop the business with an ice-breaking spirit, and help the country create a better prospect and a brighter future through this way.”河套深港科技创新合作区:科创枢纽全球揽才坐落在深港两地的接壤处的河套深港科技创新合作区凭借得天独厚的区位优势,正成为粤港澳大湾区科技创新引擎。Located at the junction of the two cities, Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone has become the engine of science and technology innovation in the Greater Bay Area with its unique geographical advantages.在河套深港科技创新合作区,深圳与港方共同制定了“联合政策包”,携手香港规划建设深港口岸经济带,构建空间统筹、结构优化、错位协同的口岸经济发展格局,便利人员和物资跨境流动等先行先试政策已落地实施。In the Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone, Shenzhen and Hong Kong have formulated a "joint policy package" together to layout and build a Shenzhen-Hong Kong port economic belt, so as to build a port economic development pattern with spatial coordination, structural optimization and dislocation synergy. Pilot policies have been implemented to facilitate the cross-border flow of people and goods.河套深港科技创新合作区规划效果图近一年来,深港双方举行了3次高层会晤,深港合作的机制更加健全,也取得了越来越多实质性的成果。最具代表性的成果之一就是,9月6日深港高层会晤暨深港合作会议上,双方围绕河套一区两园、香港大学在深办学、香港科学园深圳分园以及法律事务合作签署了4份合作协议。“香港毗邻深圳市中心,与毗邻的姊妹城市协同合作是最佳解决方案,‘双城传奇’将成为现实”,香港政协青年联会常务副主席李旷怡表示。“作为世界上最好的创新中心之一,它的辐射效应可能会产生一种爆炸性的协同效应。在香港很难创造出的新机会,将从深圳前海、福田和罗湖等地区涌现出来。”With Shenzhen’s city center near its border, Hong Kong is at the vicinity of the best solution— incorporating with its sister city next door so that the“legend of the two cities” will come true.“The radiate effect of one of the world’s best innovation hubs is likely to burst into an explosive synergy. New opportunities, which are scarcely created within Hong Kong, will spew from Shenzhen’s city centers, including Qianhai, Futian and Luohu,” said Jason Lee, executive vice-chairman of the Hong Kong CPPCC Youth Association.当经济、贸易、科技、教育等各个方面深度融合,深圳、香港正携手绘制一个充满活力的都市圈蓝图。内容来源:中国日报、深圳报业集团、新华网新华每日电讯、中央广播电视总台、央广网、环球时报等报道 |