Seek Respect,not attention,it lasts a lot longer.Seek Loyalty,not obedience, it is worth a lot more.Seek LOVE, not companionship,It is worth living for.
I am very upset at a conversation of two managers I overheard at a restaurant.
One of them said - I am firing that guy who ruined the all-hands meeting.
The other replied, "Kevin, I am your friend, so hear me out - he is your most loyal and knowledgeable employee. Yes,he made a mistake of mentioning the client who quit and the reasons why.However, you will destroy loyalty of your remaining team if you let him go fortelling the truth."
Kevin:- Loyalty ? I will just give a few people a pay rise. They will be loyal.
How do you think about Kevin and Kevin-like people ?
let's see if we can agree on the following:
You can buy someone's presence, time and participation. You can not buy their loyalty, trust, dedication and commitment.You have to earn these things. You have to treasure and protect them.
你可以花钱买一个人的出席,买他的时间和参与。但是,你并不能买到他们的忠诚,信任,奉献和承诺。你必需自己去争取这些东西, 你必需珍惜和保护好他们。
Loyalty is like trust, it does not last if it is not mutual.
Successful companies are loyal to the employees. No successful company did well on obedience alone.
Years ago I started at a company as amanager. My new boss told me that one of my new employees needs to be managed out. The employee was making mistakes left and right, and was no longer applying himself - as if he stopped caring.
许多年前,在开始在一家公司当经理,我的新老板告诉我说:我新招的一个员工需要清理掉,这个员工老是犯这样或那样的错误 ,并且不再专注用自己的工作,就像是他不再关心会不会被炒掉一样。
My boss said that the guy had a burn-out,we would be better without him.
Upon further investigation I learned that the employee's girlfriend left for his best friend. Then he lost his father,and because he was depressed with his girlfriend's departure, he did not tell anyone at work about his father's passing.
Once I knew the root cause, the solution was easy - empathy, support, time-off.
Very quickly his performance returned to his usual excellence.
Suppose, I managed that person out, and found out later about his issues ?
Every time I changed jobs he called me to find out if I had openings.
That's loyalty, Kelvin ! You earn it by standing up for your people, by being there for them, and taking their problems as your own.
We live for the moments to die for.
When I saved the employee whose father died,it was one of those moments for me.
go do something good for your employee, and others.You will have their loyalty, too. It is never too late to do something good.